2013-10-28: WDS13, The Big Stonking Post™

Web Directions South 2013 is done and dusted, as ever seeming to pass in a blur and be over in an instant.

Here are my notes, hammered out quickly for my own recall. The usual notes: they're done in a hurry, if you need exact quotes check the recordings later. Presume everything is a paraphrase rather than a quote. Jump menu is old school but hey it's a big post…

2013-07-29: Nodebots Sydney 2013 (and the NICTA ED1)

Much as I know the technology is simple, I still think there is something compelling and slightly magical about bridging the digital and physical worlds.

hello world

So on saturday I joined a crew of slightly bleary-eyed nodejs and hardware enthusiasts at Web Directions HQ for Nodebots Sydney 2013.

2013-03-24: ARIA (sydjs lightning talk)

Last week I did a five-minute lightning talk about ARIA, at Sydjs. The main point was to illustrate a secondary benefit to using ARIA, beyond the primary purpose of accessibility: taking advantage of the standardised definition of state.

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