People seem to think that some things just can't be done in a standards-compliant, accessible manner. They think only boring things can be done with XHTML. I'll be as nice as possible.... that's crap! Let's look at a couple of examples.

Let's start with rock'n'roll. Wild, crazy, loud. Has to look great, so surely it can't be accessible too? Not so, check out RAMMSTEIN... their website both rocks AND validates. Yes, we have a standards-compliant website for a band that regularly uses flame throwers and explosives in their stage show.

Next up, we have a web comic: Volvo vs Astra. I find this particularly amusing since my first car was a Volvo and I traded to an Astra... so I can tell you, all of the points made are true. Including the one about playing chicken (merging in a dinted Volvo is fun!). So anyway, we have a panel-by-panel comic like any other; yet it's XHTML+CSS (ok, so it doesn't validate due to some URL encoding; but we'll look past that).

The speech balloons are text+CSS; and the images have ALT text. Each panel is in its own table cell, grouping them together (ok, a DIV would have worked too). I can think of some display: none tricks to attribute the speech bubbles but that aside it's still an impressive job.

Next... probably the biggest one: drag and drop. Can't be done without a mouse? Think again! [brothercake] Docking boxes (dbx): Docking boxes (dbx) adds animated drag 'n' drop, snap-to-grid, and show/hide-contents functionality to any group of elements. And ... in what might be another world-first for brothercake - dbx is fully accessible to the keyboard as well as the mouse, an action I've dubbed 'press 'n' move'

So there you have it, folks. Three things people probably thought couldn't be done with web standards.